This website is up and running, but it is under construction still. There will be a lot of changes coming.

We have a lot of jobs that are currently under construction and hope to have these up on the website soon. We are currently working on some large jobs, so we will have progress photos and information along with the photos.

If you are building or renovating and are looking to see what the colours are like, just remember to keep in mind that the colours do turn out a bit different in the photos.

(photos are being updated , new photos coming and colour and profile information is being updated).

If you click on our link choose your colours on our services page, that will take you to the colorbond website, where you can order swatches of colours and they will send them out to you.

For any enquiries please send to admin@prolayroofing.com.au, or simply click on the enquire link on our home page.

Have a great day,

Regards the Prolay Roofing team.



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